Lady Climber

At the Staten Island Ferry, we ran into Therese Patricia Okoumou in her embroidered pink coat. She is the freedom fighter who climbed to the Skirts of the Statue of Liberty on July 4th last year as part of a protest against caging immigrants on the border–and she’s happy to tell anyone why it’s so so so wrong. Follow her on fb or ig @officialpatriciaokoumou

Magical Praha

prague view

We arrived in Prague on 23 December 2018 and left on the second day of 2019. Our ten days were always surprising, with revelations and histories and beauty at every turn, and always cold. Fortunately, almost every hotel, restaurant, church, museum, spa and gallery was wonderfully well heated. Though there were exceptions. Each of which I recall perfectly.

Just as we were landing in Czechia, a BBC article popped up on my phone. According to their sources, there is a new target for the spies and provocateurs of Russia and China–the election interferers. The new country where they might sow division and rancor is Czechia, and they are starting at its capital: Prague. Okay then.

Manes Building and One Regret

Sitting in the airport to leave a city, there’s always one regret. For me it’s either cosmetics or food. The one restaurant I wish we dined at was in the Manes building, a gorgeous near-Bauhaus style rectangle on the river. It holds three restaurants in all, but the one closest to the river was a knockout.