Getting Trippy with a Mystic

In these days when we can or cannot travel anywhere : and should not : thinking of the locked up lady anchorite Hildegarde von Bingen, who made an alphabet for the angels (or at least one to elude detection, no doubt from prying haters). She called it Litterae Ignotae.

litterae ignotae by HvB

A kind Thomist scholar by the name of Alan Aversa has created an Ignotae translator so you can place your phrases into the box and have them come out in trippy angel script. Unfortunately, you cannot then cut and paste them here (for example). A nice summer Sunday afternoon exercise for the secret that you know so well the language must morph and swoop. My dribble was:

into this blue place we have fallen which was the inside of the dream and yet outside of the firmament : into this blue place we have fallen which was the inside of the dream and yet outside of the firmament

Much nicer for translating into angel code or just considering is a worthy quote from Aversa’s own site:

“La più sublime, la più nobile tra le Fisiche scienze ella è senza dubbio l’Astronomia. L’uomo s’innalza per mezzo di essa come al di sopra di se medesimo, e giunge a conoscere la causa dei fenomeni più straordinari.” (“The most sublime, the most noble among the Physical sciences is without doubt Astronomy. Man raises himself through being beyond himself and arrives at understanding the cause of the most extraordinary phenomena.”) —Giacomo Leopardi, Storia dell’Astronomia